Arpan Thalassemia Society

  • To fight against Thalassemia and to provide comprehensive management to Thalassemia patients, Arpan took lead to form a trust-Arpan Thalassemia Society comprising of clinicians, blood bankers, Thalassemia parents & patrons. Arpan has established a state-of-Art ‘Thalassemia Care Centre’ having pleasant ambience with well equipped testing lab at Nashik & Ville-Parle where following services are provided totally free of cost-
  • Web ads are available on public websites, while you can also download Arpan society posters, and other materials to print, hand out and display in your locality.With each blood transfusion, the red cells are broken down & iron form the red blood cells accumulate in the body and can damage liver, heart & other body organs. If this is not prevented most patients die in their early twenties. Therefore the blood transfusions have to be supplemented with iron chelation treatment to remove the extra iron from the body.
  •   Assigned voluntary blood donors to each patient
  •   Supply NAT tested, leuco-depleted blood components
  •   Blood transfusion in cheerful pleasant environment
  •   Iron chelation therapy (by GOVT)
  •   Medical advice by competent medical professionals
  •   Regular pathology & other investigations
  •   Periodic assessment by experts for –cardiac status, iron overload, Growth rates, Bone scans, TTI markers, Vision etc
  •   Logistic support for transportation to Thalassemia patients and their parents
  •   In addition ‘Thalassemia detection test’ on HPLC automated system (D-10) is provided to the community totally free of cost. Aim of Arpan Thalassemia Society is “ To eradicate Thalassemia from the region by 2020”